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The North Wales Jamaica Society has teamed up with locally based 'Learning Links International’, a social enterprise that explores our shared history and provides opportunities to learn about Wales links with the wider world. 

One of the strands of this work has been to explore the links with the Pennants families activities in Jamaica on their estates / plantations over there and the use of the wealth generated by the African people they enslaved, back in Wales. The Pennants Project engages with local people from the Pennants area and others with an interest from North Wales, in weekly Zoom sessions. The Pennants Project team are working with the Custos of Clarendon’s Office with descendants of the Pennant family on various reparation initiatives. 

There are many ways to learn more about this shared history:
Join our informative NWJS Open Meetings on Zoom on 1st Saturday each month at present this is 1pm in Wales, or 8am in Jamaica - yoiu will find the Zoom link here 
You can check out these podcasts prepared by April Louise Pennant - link here 
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