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Exploring the Shared History of Jamaica and North Wales 

Learning Links International – online flexible learning course 

The North Wales Jamaica Society is please to host this innovative learning programme which  introduces the shared history and links, as well as introducing the new Bangor University online resources of the Pennants Plantation management records.

We have been discussing future study visits both to places in Wales eg to Penrhyn Castle, as well as to Jamaica – we will also run sessions for colleagues joining us from outside Wales to do a virtual visit .


This is a draft outline of content of sessions from Sept 2024:

Module 1  Wales links with Jamaica – including Plantation Ownership and Governance

1.1 Pennant family and Penrhyn Castle – introduction and history – Lesley Evans will be speaking about her research into the Penrhyn Papers held at Bangor University Archives

1.2 History of Pennant family plantations in Jamaica - ? Speaker to be arranged

1.3 The Tenants Strike in Pennants, Clarendon and sale of Jamaican plantations
             -  ? Prof Barrymore Bogues 

1.4 Eisteddfod in Jamaica - ? Dr Vivian Crawford


Module 2   Wales links with supplying slave traders from Liverpool 

2.1 Africa, the Slave Trade and Wales, including Welsh Slave Ship Captains
               - International Slavery Museum speaker 

2.2 Wool - LM and BORN team 

2.3 Copper and Iron – Anglesey and the Greenfield Valley

2.4 Building Slave Ships in Wales -  Pwllelli 


Module 3   Welsh participation in Slave Trade 

3.1 Welsh Pirates - eg Henry Morgan - Terry Breverton

3.2 Taking roles on plantations – opportunities in Jamaica

3.3 The Anglesey links

3.4 Abolition efforts in Wales


'Exploring the shared history of Jamaica and Wales’  is an innovative blended and flexible learning programme which offers opportunities to take part in the online sessions each month on 1st Saturday at 3pm in Wales – 9am in Jamaica – hosted by the North Wales Jamaica Society, managed by Learning Links International CIC. 

This course supports the Taith application for funded exchange visits between Wales and Jamaica - by some registered course participants - to undertake further research in Wales and Jamaica. 

Those registered on this learning opportunity / course will be expected to keep a journal to record learning and the development of understanding related to the links between Wales and Jamaica. This is for personal reference, participants will also be expected to undertake relevant visits in their own country, funding permitting, and to plan thier own additional learning journey of reading, online research and online learning using Youtube etc. 

There will also be opportunities to undertake group visits in Wales / Liverpool, with options of engaging in personal / group research - with an award of LLI Certificates of Attendance at the end of each unit. This will include recognition of additional activities undertaken, with an expectation to visit Penrhyn Castle and Liverpool International Slavery Museum

In Jamaica there will also be opportunities to visit to the various areas that were Plantations or Pens owned by the Pennant Family, as well as archives and other places of interest / information

Participants will also have opportunities to undertake volunteer activities eg supporting / managing the exchange visits.

A new website will be developed to post recordings of presentations and develop information relating to each session – for follow up or for advanced study

The learning and research opportunities will move forward using the successful informal approaches we have been trying out. These will be supported by the more formal course – planned over 3 termly modules initially, but then may extend to a second year of study.

Liz Millman 1  9  24  v 9

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