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We are continuing to meet on Zoom normally at 3pm UK time for a brief update from NWJS, before being joined by the Learning Links International Team to explore the shared history of North Wales and Jamaica. 

The Zoom link is here 

Below are some of the posters from previous meetings:

Emancipation Day 1 8 23

July 2023

Update July 2023: Planning ahead for Emacipation Day - 1st Aug - with event in Penrhyn Hall

Meeting with Denbigh High School, exploring options with Gwynedd 

July 2023: this month we are holding our NWJS Open Meetingin two parts:  

in person and on Zoom on Saturday 1st July at 3pm in Wales / 9am in Jamaica

and Part 2 on Sunday 2nd July at 3pm in Wales/9am in Jamaica  -  for folks who can't make Saturdays - this session will be just on Zoom

June 2023

Update June 2023:   Windrush Day 22 6 23 at Penrhyn Hall, Bangor went very well

Exciting things happening with the North Wales Jamaica Society  focussing on developing links with the community in Clarendon, Jamaica,in particular working with the Pennants Community Development Committee,  working on reseach into our shared history and exploring reparation options
while developing school and community links. Meetings every week on Zoom.

NWJS plans for 2023:

to support the development of Civic Links between
May Pen, Clarendon and Bangor Gwynedd,

to continue our current work with the Pennants Project 

to link schools in North Wales and Jamaica as part of the Taith project



The NWJS Open Meeting on Zoom in March was to host the Pennants Tenants Strike Conference in March - but then we realised it was the 85th Anniversary of the submission of the Petition by Robert Rumble and his colleagues on 23rd April ....  so 'Black History Conversations' hosted a special session with NWJS on Friday 21st April at 3pm UK and 9am Jamaica on Zoom supported by SSLH and Learning Links International:

Here is the link:  available shortly!


This was a great meeting with lots of discussion: 



Saturday 4th Febuary 2022 - special session! 














You are also be invited to Yasus Afari's 20th Anniversary Edition
of 'Poetry in Motion' on Sunday 26th February 



Thanks to everyone who was able to join our open meeting on Sat 7th January 2023.

We covered a range of topics including:

an update on the Pennants Project and the exciting potential of the Infant Department on the John Austin Primary School site. 

the potential of using the current Basic School building to replace the Community Library

the Pennants Archive at Bangor University and the new equipment which will enable us to see the maps of the plantations 

Welsh Government 'Taith' project funding for school exchanges and research work

we also raised awareness about the Windrush project www.justiceforwindrushgenerations.org and www.windrushalliesnetwork.org 

and an appeal was made for more NWJS Members / Volunteers 


Thanks to everyone who joined our open meetings during 2022

Saturday 3rd December 2022 at 2.00pm in UK and 8am in Jamaica 

- working on the TAITH Pathway 2 application 


and the special NWJS Open Meeting on

Saturday 26th November at 2.00pm in UK and 8am in Jamaica 

- for teachers from Jamaica and Wales to meet and intoduce themselves, on starting the Taith journey to explore developing links with Jamaica.  


Saturday 4th  November 2022 

We welcomed folks from around the world including a number of people from Pennants. 

Lorna Thomas from the Pennants Community Research Team, who told us about the story of Robert Rumble, Liz Millman shared the research so far.


Saturday 1st  October 2022:

We had another great meeting launching Black History Month - thanks to all who joined us 


On Saturday 3rd Sept 2022

We were joined again by some of our colleagues and friends in Pennants,  the Institute of Jamaica, the Jamaica Memory Bank, and colleagues from the Jamaica Wales Alliance, Jamaica Heritage Links, Learning Links International, Rotary Clubs of Bangor and May Pen, and the Coxwain Historical Group.


Saturday 11th June 2022  - at 2pm UK /  8.00am in JA

-  joined again by some of our colleagues and friends
in Pennants,  the Institute of Jamaica, the Jamaica Memory Bank, 
and colleagues from the Jamaica Wales Alliance,
Jamaica Heritage Links, Learning Links International,
Rotary Clubs of Bangor and May Pen, and the Coxwain Historical Group.

and we welcomed Prof Anthony Bogues, Director,
Centre for the Study of Slavery & Justice, at Brown University, in US

sharing an update into his research about Robert Rumble’s story



Saturday 7th May 2022














Saturday 2nd April

Dr Jose Andres Fernandes Montes de Oca from the University of Costa Rica joined us to make a presentation from his recently completed PhD Dissertation, about the successful tenants rent strike held by local people in Pennants District, Clarendon, Jamaica, against Lord Penrhyn in 1938.

This led to pressure on the Douglas Pennant family to sell their remaining estates / plantations in Jamaica by 1940, so that local people could buy a plot and settle down with security.

The North Wales Jamaica Society has been working with the local community in Pennants, Clarendon, to explore story of the strike leader Robert Rumble, along with a range of support activities for the local school and community, also working with the local Rotary Club. 




































For more information email: lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk














Check out NWJS Update  - November 2021 here 









The NWJS Annual Windrush Day Conference

- was held this year on Zoom on Sunday 20th June 2021

at 3.00pm (UK) and 9.00am (Jamaica) 

For more information Click Here 


The North Wales Jamaica Society holds an open meeting on the first Saturday of the Month - we are currently trying an afternoon meeting at 2pm  which will be an easier time for our Jamaica based colleagues to join. Bring your own tea and cakes / breakfast!


Our meeting on Saturday 1st May and was well attended by folks in North Wales, Clarendon, Jamaica and other parts of the world! 



On Sat 6th March we explored the interesting history of the Tennants Strike in Pennants, in 1938 which was led by Robert Rumble, which caused the land settlement which enabled people to buy land previously ‘owned’ by the wealthy Pennant family. 

We also visited Pennants with a showcase of photos taken by Clifford Headley. 



And we carried on getting to know one another and explain the new NWJS approach 

You are welcome to contact us through this website - Contact Us













We were delighted to welcome David Triggs, the President of the London based Henry George Foundation, as our guest. This is the organisation that helped the tenants in the Pennants community in Clarendon, Jamaica, to succeed in their challenge to their unreasonable landowner - Lord Penrhyn. 

 Click Here to find out about the Pennants History Community Research Project on www.spanglefish.com/pennantshistory

Please use Contact Us if you have any queries, contributions or ideas - we would like you to join us in our activities and research.


NWJS Open Meeting on Sat 5th December 2020 held in partnership with Jamaica Heritage Links - the new name for 'Jamaica 2000'

10.30 for 11.00  > prepare your Saturday Soup ... and catch up with friends!

11.00 - 12.00 > update on NWJS plans and the Pennants Project

12.00 - 12.50 > 'Those were the days..... ' memories of Jamaican 2000 activities and achievents, with a Quiz prepared by one of our younger members Kiya.

12.50 > .....  moving on with plans for 'Jamaica Heritage Links'

1.00 > your Saturday Soup should be ready to enjoy with friends!

The North Wales Jamaica Societry is joining with UK Charity 'Jamaica 2000/Jamaiaca Heritage Links' for conference with a difference, sponsored by Learning Links International and 'Promoting our Heritge'. 

The Zoom recording link is:


It starts part way through Caroine Sansome's presentation about Penrhyn Castle.


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