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Please note - this site holds the archive, going back over the years of the actvities that the NWJS teams have undertaken 


Currently NWJS is supporting Learning Links International 
to develop and manage this exciting project: 

BUILDING BRIDGES OF FRIENDSHIP   The Welsh Government is supporting links around the world and over the next 2 years funds have been granted to support links with Jamaica, however this project is at a very early stage of development. 

Learning Links International CIC, which is based in Bangor, made 2 successful applications to enable a small group of young people spend time in Jamaica, welcoming back a group from Jamaica, as well as opportunities to fund adults from Wales and Jamaica to explore Wales links with Jamaica and Jamaica’s links with Wales. 

Bangor City Council is supporting this initiative, and workshops were held each week at Penrhyn Hall (by the Council Offices) on Wednesdays, during August and more are planned, to explore options for the adult learning programme, including identifying activities that individuals, organisations and services can develop to ‘build bridges of friendship’. 

Contact Liz Millman on 07711569489 or email lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk  


Join our next NWJS Open Meeting will be on Zoom

- joining details further down ...   v v v

on Saturday 5th October 2024

9:00am Clarendon, Jamaica and at 3.00pm Bangor, Gwynedd 

with in-person workshops held in various locations


Thanks to all those who have joined our online meetings in the last months,
as we discussed ideas, made plans and checked out funding applications
to support the Pennants community in Clarendon, Jamaica. 

We have good news re the outcome of the Taith applications for exchange visits
made by Learning Links International with our support,
as well as our Windrush application to the Welsh Government 

And we have started the first of the reparation funded activities that are 
beginning to make a difference for the community in Pennants. 


 Join our next Zoom Meeting on Sat 5th October:


Meeting ID: 854 0920 0121    Passcode: 407328


NWJS is delighted to be hosting the course 'Exploring the Shared History of North Wales and Jamaica' for more information click here 


NWJS holds Open Meetings on Zoom on the first Saturday each month eg.

Update Feb 2024. We have been meeting regularly and we are delighted that Garrick Prayogg is the new Chair of the North Wales Jamaica Society. 



NWJS Open Day on Saturday 9th September 2023  in Bangor

On the hotest day of the year a range of things were going on, including activites and light refreshments including Jamaica Patties n Penrhyn Hall, Fford Penrhyn, from 11 - 2  with presentations at 2pm and a live link with Jamaica from 3pm. 

Anancy the Spider (he is nice and not scary) was at Storiel from 11.15am - 12.30pm


North Wales Jamaica Society Open Meeting  – Sat 5th August 2023

Today we caught up on activities and sharing information about our Jamaican Emancipation Day (1st August) which generated discussion - thanks to Vivian Crawford for providing a wealth of additional information. 

And thanks to Jamaica Wales Alliance Patron, Dr Lola Ramocan, for helping us to recognise Jamaican Independence Day (6th August) - together they make up the Emancipendance Celebrations going on in Jamaica at present! 

Also we did an update on the Pennants Project, as well as plans to explore twinning Bangor with May Pen and heard from ‘Justice for Windrush Generations - and others affected across the Commonwealth nations' - and also had a 'what is the name of this fruit competition - thanks to Vivian and Lesley - and Sibani for my mango! 

Cyfarfod Agored Cymdeithas Jamaica Gogledd Cymru Sad 5ed Awst o 2pm yn Neuadd Penrhyn, Bangor gydag opsiynau Zoom

RHOWCH Y GWAHODDIAD HWN I UNRHYW UN SYDD Â DIDDORDEB. Byddwn yn dal i fyny ar weithgareddau ac yn rhannu gwybodaeth am Ddiwrnod Rhyddfreinio Jamaica (1af Awst) a Diwrnod Annibyniaeth Jamaica (6ed Awst) sy'n rhan o'r Dathliadau Rhyddfreinio sy'n digwydd yn Jamaica ar hyn o bryd!

Hefyd byddwn yn gwneud diweddariad ar Brosiect Pennants, yn ogystal â chynlluniau i archwilio cysylltiadau rhwng Bangor gyda May Pen a bydd ‘Cyfiawnder dros Genhedloedd Windrush’ yn ymuno â ni.

Ymddiheuriadau os nad yw hyn yn hollol iawn - dwi'n dysgu Cymraeg!


Check out the Windrush 75 Recognition - 22nd June 2023

Tuesday 1st August 2023:


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